Application of high manganese steel bucket teeth in
In order to overcome the traditionalhigh manganese steel bucket tooth problems, researchers in the aspectsof strengthening and toughening of high manganese steel do a lot ofwork, mainly through alloying or micro alloying method and improve itsstrength and wear resistance.
Moadded on the common high manganese steel based on the composition, Cr,V, Ti, etc. carbide forming elements, thus changing the distribution ofcarbides in high manganese steel form granular carbides, the dispersedin the matrix of austenite, so as to improve the strength and wearresistance.
Such as theAmerican ace hoppers teeth and aysc0 company in common high manganesesteel bucket teeth of component based, through alloying method, wereadded to the 2% Cr, 1% ~ 2 1%mo a modified high manganese steel bucketteeth. Compared with common high manganese steel, the yield strengthincreased 10% to 30%.
Inaddition, the use of micro alloying (Ti, joined V, Nb etc.) highmanganese steel improved the strength is 30% higher than ordinary highmanganese steel.
In ourcountry by micro alloying method in high manganese steel by adding V,Ti, Mo alloy elements, and dispersion hardening heat treatment, themicro alloy carbides and on the matrix of austenite, thereby improvingthe abrasion resistance, bucket tooth life increased by 70% ~ 100%.
Miningpractice shows that the alloying and micro alloying high manganesesteel, both in high impact stress or under low stress, with good wearresistance. But the alloying elements Cr, Ni, Mo addition increased thecost, especially rare and precious elements Ni, Cr restricts thedevelopment of this kind of steel.